Source code for api.endpoints.endpoints

Websocket API module.

This module contains method(s) defining application any web socket endpoint(s)

import os
import select
import subprocess
import uuid
import warnings
from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager

import eventlet
from aiokafka import AIOKafkaProducer
from fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket, HTTPException
from fastapi.params import Depends
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse

from controller import Controller
from database import db
from json_defs.requests import json_request_body_defs as json
from utils import exceptions
from utils.functions import utility_functions

[docs] class InelegantKafkaShutdownWarning(Warning): """ Warning to indicate issues with shutdown of kafka """ pass
[docs] class MultipleKafkaProducerStartWarning(Warning): """ Warning to indicate attempt to start kafka producer on app with existing kafka producer. """ pass
[docs] async def start_apache_kafka_producer(fastapi_application: FastAPI): """ Starts the Apache Kafka producer :param fastapi_application: Instance of FastAPI application to set properties on. """ if hasattr(fastapi_application.state, "kafka_producer"): warnings.warn( f"There's an existing kafka producer for this app instance: {hex(id(fastapi_application))}", MultipleKafkaProducerStartWarning, ) return fastapi_application.state.kafka_producer = AIOKafkaProducer( bootstrap_servers=f'{os.getenv("APACHE_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_HOST")}:{os.getenv("APACHE_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_PORT")}' ) await fastapi_application.state.kafka_producer.start()
[docs] async def close_apache_kafka_producer(fastapi_application: FastAPI): """ Closes the Apache Kafka producer :param fastapi_application: Instance of FastAPI application to consume properties from. """ if not hasattr(fastapi_application.state, "kafka_producer"): warnings.warn( "You cannot shutdown apache kafka producer as there's none [recorded] running for this instance of the server!", InelegantKafkaShutdownWarning, ) return await fastapi_application.state.kafka_producer.stop()
[docs] def startup_apache_kafka(fastapi_application: FastAPI): """ Starts Apache Kafka It essentially does 2 things: 1. Starts zookeeper 2. Starts the apache kafka server. :param fastapi_application: Instance of FastAPI application to set properties on. """ # Start Apache Kafka Zookeeper apache_kafka_zookeeper_startup_command = [ os.getenv("APACHE_KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_START_EXECUTABLE_FULL_PATH"), os.getenv("APACHE_KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_PROPERTIES_FULL_PATH"), ] zookeeper_process = subprocess.Popen( apache_kafka_zookeeper_startup_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) while eventlet.Timeout(int(os.getenv("APACHE_KAFKA_OPS_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS"))): breakout = False reads = [zookeeper_process.stdout, zookeeper_process.stderr] ready_to_read, _, _ =, [], [], 0.1) for pipe in ready_to_read: output = pipe.readline() if output: print(output.strip()) if "binding to port" in output.strip(): print(f"\nSUCCESSFULLY STARTED APACHE KAFKA ZOOKEEPER\n") breakout = True break if ( "Failed to acquire lock on file .lock" in output.strip() or "Exiting Kafka" in output.strip() ): print(f"FAILED TO START APACHE KAFKA ZOOKEEPER") zookeeper_process.kill() zookeeper_process.return_code = -1 breakout = True break if breakout: break if ( zookeeper_process.returncode is not None ): # We're not expecting zookeeper to stop and return a returncode. raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( returncode=zookeeper_process.returncode, cmd=apache_kafka_zookeeper_startup_command, ) # Start Apache Kafka server apache_kafka_server_startup_command = [ os.getenv("APACHE_KAFKA_SERVER_START_EXECUTABLE_FULL_PATH"), os.getenv("APACHE_KAFKA_SERVER_PROPERTIES_FULL_PATH"), ] apache_kafka_server_startup_process = subprocess.Popen( apache_kafka_server_startup_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) while eventlet.Timeout(int(os.getenv("APACHE_KAFKA_OPS_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS"))): breakout = False reads = [ apache_kafka_server_startup_process.stdout, apache_kafka_server_startup_process.stderr, ] ready_to_read, _, _ =, [], [], 0.1) for pipe in ready_to_read: output = pipe.readline() if output: print(output.strip()) if "started (kafka.server.KafkaServer)" in output.strip(): print("\nSUCCESSFULLY STARTED APACHE KAFKA SERVER\n") breakout = True break if ( "Failed to acquire lock on file .lock" in output.strip() or "shutting down (kafka.server.KafkaServer)" in output.strip() ): breakout = True apache_kafka_server_startup_process.kill() apache_kafka_server_startup_process.returncode = -1 print("\nFAILED TO STARTUP APACHE KAFKA SERVER\n") break if breakout: break if apache_kafka_server_startup_process.returncode is not None: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( returncode=apache_kafka_server_startup_process.returncode, cmd=apache_kafka_zookeeper_startup_command, ) fastapi_application.state.zookeeper_subprocess = zookeeper_process fastapi_application.state.kafka_server_subprocess = ( apache_kafka_server_startup_process )
[docs] def shutdown_apache_kafka(fastapi_application: FastAPI): """ Shutdown Apache Kafka. This is done with a trial and error method. If there is an error while attempting to close with the official * executables, a terminate() call to the subprocesses that holds the already started kafka zookeeper and server process will be called; a warning will also be issued If kafka's server or zookeeper isn't running, OperationNotAllowedException will be raised. """ if not hasattr(fastapi_application.state, "zookeeper_subprocess") or not hasattr( fastapi_application.state, "kafka_server_subprocess" ): raise exceptions.OperationNotAllowedException( "You cannot shutdown apache kafka as there's none running for this instance of the server!" ) apache_kafka_zookeeper_shutdown_command, apache_kafka_server_shutdown_command = [ os.getenv("APACHE_KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_STOP_EXECUTABLE_FULL_PATH"), ], [ os.getenv("APACHE_KAFKA_SERVER_STOP_EXECUTABLE_FULL_PATH"), ] apache_kafka_shutdown_process = subprocess.Popen( apache_kafka_server_shutdown_command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) if ( type(apache_kafka_shutdown_process.returncode) is int and apache_kafka_shutdown_process.returncode < 0 ) or apache_kafka_shutdown_process.returncode is not None: # if returncode is None, process didn't return immediately fastapi_application.state.kafka_server_subprocess.terminate() fastapi_application.state.zookeeper_subprocess.terminate() warnings.warn( "Kafka's Zookeeper and Server couldn't be closed via the official Kafka closure executables! A subprocess.Popen.terminate() to their subprocesses was used instead.", InelegantKafkaShutdownWarning, ) # Here, we're fairly guaranteed that we can safely close the zookeeper server successfully. else: subprocess.Popen( apache_kafka_zookeeper_shutdown_command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) return
[docs] @asynccontextmanager async def lifespan(fastapi_application: FastAPI): """ Run start up and shut down operations for the server. Code before the yield statement gets called before running server, while code after the yield statement gets called during the closure of the server. :param fastapi_application: FastAPI app instance. """ startup_apache_kafka(fastapi_application) await start_apache_kafka_producer(fastapi_application) yield await close_apache_kafka_producer(fastapi_application) shutdown_apache_kafka(fastapi_application)
app, executor = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan), ThreadPoolExecutor()
[docs] @app.websocket("/chat/{chat_uuid}") async def handle_chat(websocket: WebSocket, chat_uuid: uuid.UUID): """ Handle chat operations on chat with id {chat_uuid}. :param websocket: FastAPI Websocket object for websocket operations. :param chat_uuid: UUID of chat :return: """ await websocket.accept() if chat_uuid.__str__() != os.getenv("TEST_CHAT_UUID"): raise Exception("Invalid chat URL") while True: data = await websocket.receive_text() print(f"message just sent now: {data.__str__()}") break
[docs]"/set_up_chat", response_class=RedirectResponse, status_code=302) async def set_up_chat( request_json_body: json.SetUpChatRequestBody, session: Session = Depends(db.get_db) ): """ Endpoint for setting up chat. Creates a unique chat uuid and saves in database returning a redirect response. :return: """ new_chat_uuid = utility_functions.add_new_chat(session) chat_url = "chat/" + new_chat_uuid # TODO: Ensure that there are no messages in the newly created kafka topic (i.e. topic doesn't already exist especially # with events in the stream before creating chat. try: utility_functions.create_apache_kafka_topic(new_chat_uuid, app) except Exception as e: print(f">>> Exception while attempting to create kafka topic: \n\n{e}") raise HTTPException( status_code=500, detail="An internal server error occurred at the final stages of setting up your new chat.", ) # run blocking Controller function in separate thread. executor.submit( Controller, 1, "ws://localhost:8000/" + chat_url, request_json_body.chat_context ) return chat_url