controller package#


controller.controller_def module#

Controller module (also referable to as ‘Application Controller’ module)

This module contains the class and module definitions for the Application Controller

class controller.controller_def.Controller[source]#

Bases: object

Class definition for application controller.

async connect_ws(message=None)[source]#

Connects controller to websocket with web socket url


message – Optional message to send to the websocket


async static initialise(number_of_users: int, ws_url: str, chat_context: str) Controller[source]#

Constructor for Controller object.

The controller performs lightly as a Controller from the MVC Design Pattern :param number_of_users: Number of users to participate in application lifecycle :param ws_url: Web socket url for Controller to interact with. :param chat_context: Group chat context

property websocket#

Controller websocket getter.

ws_url = None#

controller.kafka_manager_def module#

Kafka Manager module (also referable to as ‘Application Controller Kafka Manager’ module)

This module contains the class and module definitions for the Application Controller Kafka Manager

class controller.kafka_manager_def.KafkaManager(number_of_users: int)[source]#

Bases: object

property consumers: Tuple[AIOKafkaConsumer]#
property producers: Tuple[AIOKafkaProducer]#
class controller.kafka_manager_def.KafkaManagerFactory[source]#

Bases: object

Class definition for the kafka manager employed primarily by the application controller.

static create_base_kafka_manager(number_of_users: int | None = None) KafkaManager[source]#

Create and return bare-minimum Kafka Manager object. :param number_of_users: Number of users participating in chat. :return: KafkaManager object.

Module contents#